School News and Upcoming Events

RedSqRegistration is open for 2024-2025 School Year

RedSqOur online registration is ready to go. The link is For old family just use email address registered in school as username and familyID as password. For new family need to use email address as username, and create their password. If you have questions and problem to use online registration, please let us know as soon as possible.

RedSqThe 13th Administrative Committee
Northern NJ Huaxia Chinese School
The 13th Administrative Committee is composed of the following members:

Jim Guan – Principal (Overall leadership) 
校长 (全面负责学校的管理工作)

Xiumin Dong – Vice Principal and Dean of Academics (Administration, Chinese Classes)
副校长及教务长 (主管行政和中文课)

Sylvia Dong – Vice Principal (Administration, Culture Classes) 

Ming Li – Head of Logistics Department (Enrolment, textbooks, inventory)

Xiaojing Dong – Accounting Consultant (All financial and accounting issues of school)
财务总监 (主管预算、结算、报税、发放补贴、报销等财务工作)

Elaine Cai – PTA president (All the activities related to PTA)
家长会长 (家长会,学校活动组织等工作)

RedSq2015年圣诞节百乐餐活动本周六(12月19日)中午,华夏中文学校北部分校举办了圣诞节百乐餐活动。有三十多位学生的家长们带着精心烹制的佳肴与大家一起分享美味,交流感情。整个活动,欢声笑语,温馨融洽。虽说是自家烹制的菜肴,但色香味型不逊于餐馆。凉菜、热菜、甜点,品种齐全,且味型多样,让你在品尝时感受到如同徜徉在欢快刺激、跌宕起伏的优美的旋律中。从细嫩入口的清淡凉粉,到红油麻辣的川北凉粉;从金黄酥脆的中越春卷,到清香嫩绿的水煮毛豆;从精细的麻辣鸡丝,到回味化渣的牛肉干,每道不同风味的菜肴都能挑逗起你舌尖上的好奇!在众多的菜肴中还包括:青菜香,辣土豆丝,梅菜扣肉,水煮豆腐鱼,红烧鸡翅,红烧鸡腿,冷吃鸡,韩式鸡,凉拌木耳,麻辣黄瓜,藕夹子,芋头糕,水饺,家常凉面,炒年糕,土豆泥、中西油炸果。席间穿插披萨饼,以西式上等甜点Tiramisu 划上聚餐的圆满音符中西合璧,老少皆宜。最终,在众多饕客的品尝后,麻辣劲爆的山椒鸡(姜欣欣烹制),香酥内嫩的糖醋排骨(董圣义烹制),滑嫩爽口的凉粉(金文萱烹制),被大众评委最受喜爱的菜肴.餐后,小朋友们带着快乐、饱满的心情走进自己的教室,去吸收精神的营养;家长们意犹未尽,回味无穷,并称赞连连地表示希望今后多举办这类开心百乐餐!感谢各位的参与,希望下次见!华夏中文学校北部分校家长会感谢各位的参与,希望下次见!

RedSq 2015 PICNIC:2015年野外烧烤 (教师 庄逸虹)

六月的中旬,照理说炎炎夏日已经露出了峥嵘,可是天公作美,七日的早晨却是晴空万里 ,风和日丽。每年一度的华夏北部分校野外烧烤按期在南山举行,烧烤是我们北部分校的传统活动之一。除了夏季的烤肉聚餐还有春节大联欢和百乐餐 POTLUCK,这些都是我们北部被师生喜闻乐见,津津乐道,百开不厌的聚会。
此次活动的临时指挥小组有下列人员组成,总指挥孟繁臣,副总指挥鲁春萌,烧烤组长李春野和黄俊,供餐组长金文萱和陆 敏,游戏组长刘 盛和厉 明,公关组长姜欣欣和许怡静。
每年的夏季聚会总是吸引着所有的师生及其他们的亲朋好友,今年也不例外(有213人参加),而且更不同于以往,我们不但迎来了华夏北部各界届领导和老师及他们的其家属,而且还有哈里森社区华人协会成员及亲朋好友。哈里森华人协会是北部分校的友谊单位,这次意想不到的是竟派 60多名代表前来参加、助兴,使这次聚会的参加人数创历史最高记录。
羽毛球比赛经过几轮的角逐,最终被鲁春萌和鲁昭阳父女获得;亚军是STANLEY CHIN父女;第三名是王英的混编对子。虽然这只是一个友谊赛,但是选手们各个打得认真精彩,特别是在大家的鼎力嘶吼之下,比赛的热烈程度不亚于正规赛。球赛奖品全部由校长孟繁臣个人赞助。


Notice from Admin Committee and PTA: Absolutely No Food inside Verona High School building, violators will be fined accordingly!

RedSqOur on line registration is ready to do. The link is For old family just use email address registered in school as username and familyID as password. For new family need to use email address as username, and create their password. If you have questions and problem to use online registration, please let us know as soon as possible.


华夏北部分校教师 —董秀敏
有效的重复学习,不仅让学生们以最快的速度掌握了学习内容,而且增强了学生的学习中文的兴趣,提高了自信心。我同时采用了教育学中的积极强化原则,意思是说:当学生从老师那里得到表扬或者奖励时,他们会对自己所做的事情感到愉快,而这种愉快会转化为愿意重复此种学习行为的力量 。

更多内容请看(For more details, please look at):


华夏北部分校教师 — 汤江勤

更多内容请看(For more details, please look at):




Huaxia Track and Field Sports Photos ( 华夏田径运动会集锦). For more information, please look at our newsletter.更多信息,请看Newsletter.

RedSqCongratulation for our students
Tenth Graders Won Honor for NHXCS

Our dancing group, consisting of Jessica Zhu, Christine Deep, Lauren Deep and Jane Meng, and lead by the teacher Wei Chen, represented  NHXCS in the nation-wide Starbound National Talent Competition on Sunday, 02/17/2014 in Paramus Catholic High School, Paramus, NJ.
According to the competition requirements, they had to have their dance shortened from 5 to 3 minutes. Time was already short, and the last minute changes had made it more difficult for the kids, who had been trying very hard to optimize their performance.
Almost all of the other competitors come from professional dance studios, and our team was the only one from a Chinese school and dressed in Chinese folk costumes. It's surprised that our kids' folk dance "Playing in the Rain" was nearly flawless and was so good that they won a High Gold trophy, and a Starbound Judges Award medal for perfect unison (See attachments). 

We appreciate the efforts of the kids, who have won honor for our school, and great thanks should also go to their parents. It's they who paid their registration fee, spent time to accompany them, and drove them to from the competition venue.

RedSqGood News: Free Tai Chi Class
 The PTA Council had decided to invite Mr. Stanley Chin to provide free lessons of Tai Chi to parents of our school in a section of the hallway in VHS on Saturday from 2:00 to 3:00pm.

Please send your application to for registration. Lessons will start on February 8, 2014.

RedSqA Letter of Acknowledgement About the Chinese New Year Celebration (感谢信:关于马年春节庆祝活动).

RedSqWe are looking for Chinese and talent teachers. Interested party please contact VP Xinxin Jiang at 973-849-7256.

RedSqTennis class is closed because of cold weather.

If you have any questions, please contact VP Xinxin Jiang at 973-849-7256. 有何问题,请与姜欣欣副校长联系:9973-849-7256

RedSq20140104 PTA council Meeting Minutes (家长委员会会议记录).

RedSqAn Event for the CSL Parents .

RedSqA Letter to All Parents from PTA .


RedSqNHXCS PTA Council .

RedSqContact information for our new school doard of directors .

RedSqPlease note that our referral bonus program is in effect. Please recommend your friends and your neighbors to join our school.

RedSqNewsletter #391: 02.20.2014: School News.

RedSqRules to Observe - Our Commitment and Action to VHS Complaints (pdf file) .

Click here for more school news, and click here for previous weekly newsletters.

About Northern New Jersey Huaxia Chinese School

 Northern New Jersey Huaxia Chinese School (NHXCS) is a non-profit organization registered in the state of New Jersey. NHXCS is the birthplace of the whole Huaxia Chinese School system now consisting of 19 branches spreading over New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania.

Founded in 1995, NHXCS has dedicated all her efforts to teaching Chinese language, promoting Chinese culture and serving the community. Now the school has nearly 200 students in over 40 small classes, including heritage Chinese, CSL (Chinese as Second Language) and talent classes such as karate, Chinese painting, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese dancing, etc.

Chinese Painting
Mrs. Su in Chinese Painting Class

The equal-opportunity NHXCS takes students of any age from 3 years and up with no prejudice over gender, age, race, religion, or nationality. Classes are held on Saturdays from 12:30PM to 3:40 PM except public holidays.

The new management team has determined to tighten up management, focus on education quality and make NHXCS an attractive place for everyone who dreams of learning Chinese and Chinese culture.